Limited time Featured, Sale & Promotional items from BuyJapan
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Chicken Cabbage Gyoza (Kin Gyoza)
- Contains (Meat) Chicken
Kikkoman Soy Sauce
[ Promo Code: KIK_XRM2 ] * Additional RM 2.00 Discount { Limited : 10 Units } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kikkoman Soy Sauce is naturally brewed like wine, from wheat, soybeans, water and salt, a process that takes months, allowing its rich, complex and mellow flavour to develop. Unlike some soy sauces which are chemically-made in a few days, Kikkoman Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce takes months to make, resulting in a rich, savoury taste.
Mixed Chicken Shrimp Gyoza (Kin Gyoza)
- Contains (Meat) Chicken
- Contains (Seafood) Shrimp
UCC The Blend 114 Instant Coffee
On-Sale Products
Chicken Cabbage Gyoza (Kin Gyoza)
- Contains (Meat) Chicken
House Foods Vermont Curry Medium Hot
Ito Seika Languly Sandwich Biscuits
Japan S&B Golden Curry Sauce Mix
Kanro Pure Gummy Grape
Kasugai Roasted Green Peas
Kikkoman Soy Sauce
[ Promo Code: KIK_XRM2 ] * Additional RM 2.00 Discount { Limited : 10 Units } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kikkoman Soy Sauce is naturally brewed like wine, from wheat, soybeans, water and salt, a process that takes months, allowing its rich, complex and mellow flavour to develop. Unlike some soy sauces which are chemically-made in a few days, Kikkoman Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce takes months to make, resulting in a rich, savoury taste.
Marutai Instant Japanese Ramen – Kagoshima Kurobuta
Marutai Kumamoto Kuro Mayu Ramen
Meiji Appollo Choco Strawberry
Meiji Black Chocolate Blocks
Meiji Choco Baby Chocolate Tube
Meiji Hello Panda Chocolate
Meiji Plain Crackers with Oat
Meiji Rich Strawberry Biscuits
Melting Moment – Nucre Patisseries
- Available in 3 Flavours (Uji Matcha, Okinawa Purple Sweet Potato & Houjicha )
- Low Sugar Content