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Seasonal Coupons & Promo Code from BuyJapan
Seasonal Coupons & Promo Code from BuyJapan
Limited time Featured, Sale & Promotional items from BuyJapan
[ Promo Code: KIK_XRM2 ] * Additional RM 2.00 Discount { Limited : 10 Units } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kikkoman Soy Sauce is naturally brewed like wine, from wheat, soybeans, water and salt, a process that takes months, allowing its rich, complex and mellow flavour to develop. Unlike some soy sauces which are chemically-made in a few days, Kikkoman Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce takes months to make, resulting in a rich, savoury taste.
[ Promo Code: KIK_XRM2 ] * Additional RM 2.00 Discount { Limited : 10 Units } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kikkoman Soy Sauce is naturally brewed like wine, from wheat, soybeans, water and salt, a process that takes months, allowing its rich, complex and mellow flavour to develop. Unlike some soy sauces which are chemically-made in a few days, Kikkoman Naturally Brewed Soy Sauce takes months to make, resulting in a rich, savoury taste.